First Reconciliation & First Communion
at Blessed Sacrament Church
Welcome to this important time in your family’s life with Jesus Christ and His Church! Children typically receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion when they are seven (7) years old (usually second grade). If your child is older and has not yet received these sacraments, though, please let us know! It's never too late to begin preparation, and we will gladly tailor the sacramental preparation program to accommodate any child.
The preparation time for First Reconciliation and First Communion marks a new chapter in your family’s life as Catholics. Through Reconciliation, your child will experience the forgiveness and healing of our loving God. Through the Eucharist, your child will be able to participate fully in the worship life of our parish by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist each week. So, this preparation is not just for their “first”; it is preparation for a lifetime!
You might be wondering how intergenerational (family) Faith Formation affects sacramental preparation when we're meeting only once a month. Young people in their sacramental years will also receive additional materials to work on independently and may have additional Faith Formation gatherings with their catechist.
The goal of Reconciliation preparation is to:
~Nurture our relationship with Jesus Christ as the one who loves us and showers God’s mercy upon us
~Nurture an appreciation of the sacrament of Reconciliation as a way to experience God’s
mercy and forgiveness
~Nurture the practice of forgiveness and Reconciliation as a way of living
The goal of Eucharist preparation is to:
~Nurture our understanding of God’s love for us
and our response of thanksgiving
~Nurture our relationship to Jesus Christ in
prayer and worship
~Enhance our appreciation and active participation in the Mass
~Develop our sense of belonging to a community
of disciples who love as Jesus loves
May God bless you on this faith journey!